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Fresh Summer Salsa + how to can it

Summer is the perfect time to can and make some salsa! Most of us usually plant the items that go into salsa such as tomato, cilantro, bell peppers, jalapeños, etc. Why not store up all that goodness and enjoy it year-round?

Here is a recipe you can use to make fresh salsa and to can it! If you make it fresh and not can I cut this recipe in half? You would then store the salsa in the fridge for a couple of weeks or so. If you can it, you can then have it preserved for the next year!

Farm Fresh Salsa ( cut recipe in half when not canning it)

14 cups tomatos ( once processed through food processor )

1.5 cups green bell peppers ( roughly chopped)

1/2 cup banana peppers ( roughly chopped)

1.5 large red onion ( roughly chopped)

2 Jalapeños ( seeds removed)

6 cloves of garlic minced 

3/4 cup white vinegar 

Juice of 2 limes 

2 6 Oz can tomato paste 

1 tbs roasted cumin 

1 Tbs sea salt 

1 Tbs oregano 

1 tsp cayenne 

1 bunch of cilantro 

Supplies needed if canning

Jars- I used pint size jars for this recipe- purchase HERE

Canning Supplies purchase HERE 

Canning pot purchase HERE

7 easy steps to can! See Below!


Prepare everything!

Prepare the tomatoes by washing, coring and quartering. Chop in food processor or by hand until they reach your desired level of chunkiness. Most canning recipes have you remove the skins. I feel if you chop them up in the food processor the skins do just fine and it’s not a problem later. Prepare the peppers, onions, garlic and cilantro by rinsing, removing the peels, stems and/or pith. Roughly chop by hand and then finely chop in the food processor.

I use a food processor like this one! CLICK HERE


Stir together all chopped ingredients in a stockpot on the stove, adding the amount of lime juice + vinegar. Also stir in salt and spices, adjust to taste if needed. Bring your salsa to a gentle boil and simmer for 20 minutes.

If you are making this to use quickly and NOT can then you are done!! Pour mixture into jars ( will make approximately 3 jars if you make 1/2 the recipe) and refrigerate once cooled!

If canning proceed to next steps!


While salsa is simmering, place lids in another pot and pour boiling water over them to sterilize. It’s good if you sterilize or wash the jars prior to as well. You can also use your sterilize cycle on your dishwasher for the jars and then place the lids in a sauce pan on the stove with simmering water. I also threw the rings in there for good measure but you don’t have to. Just boil lids for about 5 minutes and you should be good!

Fill your large canning pot with water and bring to a boil .


Once you’ve cooked your salsa fill the jars with salsa (can use jar funnel, ladle or liquid measuring cup), leaving at least 1/2 inch empty space at the top of the jar.


Wipe the rim of the jar with a clean, damp cloth and check lid to make sure both are completely free of any salsa debris to ensure a strong seal. Place lid on jar with your magnet handle and hand-tighten the ring.


Once your big pot is hot and boiling add your jars. If you are making this recipe it should exactly fill 7 jars which is what fits perfectly into the canning pot.


Cover with lid and cook for 20 minutes. Once the time is over turn of heat and let sit for 5 minutes. Then with your handle carefully remove the jars and place them on your countertop. You will soon start to hear a popping sound which is the lids sealing. Let the jars sit for 24 hours to completely cool.

Now you are ready to EAT, EAT, EAT!!!!!!!!!!

I hope you love this tasty recipe as much as I do! You can gift this to friends and family as a great housewarming gift!!

